Support the Kildavie Excavation

For more information on this project please visit the project web page here.

By supporting this project you will be helping to excavate and record an abandoned settlement which is thus far little understood, which will in turn add a wealth of information to the archaeological record of Mull. You will be helping us to make the information recorded on this project publicly available once the project is complete. You will help us to provide an engaging training opportunity to members of the public, and you will also be helping us to train the next generation of heritage specialists and archaeologists.

Alongside this your support will also provide a series of events and social benefits for the local community. During the field school in September 2016 we will be providing a series of free events to coincide with Scottish Archaeology and Heritage Festival, including a site open day. Following the completion of our project in 2016, your support will help us to reach our funding goals and trigger the next series of social and community benefits that we will deliver.

We will deliver a series of community orientated and educational events, and a sliding funding scale will be in operation, whereby hitting funding goals will trigger the next element of the project. All supporters will be contributing towards these goals and will help to trigger each individual event. The events that your support will help to run are outlined below.

A series of rewards are available to Supporters of the project, and full details of the rewards and how to get them are listed below. All funders will be updated with project progress and details of the funding outcomes once the funding goals are reached.

Funding Goals Achieved:


Last Updated 1/10/16

Supporter Progress

Supporters Fund Total:


Funding Goal 1 - £750

We will deliver two talks during Scottish Archaeology and Heritage Festival detailing the findings of our project at Kildavie. One talk will be delivered in Edinburgh; the other will be local to the project on Mull.

Funding Goal 3 - £4000

We will produce a physical exhibition on the findings form the project to be hosted in a local museum/exhibition centre.

Funding Goal 2 - £2000

We will produce and host an online exhibition explaining the project and detailing the findings from the excavation seasons. We will also train up the local volunteers in how to maintain and update the website.

Funding Goal 4 - £6000

We will produce a touring exhibition and learning resource to take around schools on Mull, where children will have an interactive, archaeological learning experience of the 18th Century.

You can become a Supporter of this project by selecting one of the rewards below. The rewards can be selected by downloading the Support form below, select your reward and send it to us with a cheque made payable to 'Heritage & Archaeological Research Practice Ltd', or email your completed form and send your payment via bank transfer, using your name as the reference.

All Supporters will be acknowledged on the project web page, on HARP's social media pages, and in the reporting at the end of the project. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

The Supporters Packages

The Supporter - £5

Every Supporter will have their name acknowledged in the project report, on HARP's social media pages, and on this website

The Supporter Plus - £7.50

Every Supporter will have their name acknowledged in the project report, on HARP's social media pages, on this website, and will receive a video message from the excavation team thanking them for their support.

T-Shirt Package - £15

You will receive a project T-shirt with a picture of the site plan on the chest. Various sizes are available.

Supporters name will be acknowledged in the project report, on HARP's social media pages, and on this website.

Estimated Reward delivery September 2015 onwards.

Photo Packages


(1) A presentation box with a selection of two, 7x5” prints. The prints will be of the excavation team and one of the excavated buildings at Kildavie, along with a short biography of the building.

Supporters name will be acknowledged in the project report, on HARP's social media pages, and on this website.

Estimated Reward delivery September 2015 onwards.


(2) A presentation box with a selection of four, 7x5” prints. The prints will be of the Kildavie site, the excavation team, and two of the excavated buildings at Kildavie, along with a short biography of each building.

Supporters name will be acknowledged in the project report, on HARP's social media pages, and on this website. Estimated Reward delivery September 2015 onwards.

Photo & Site Plan Packages


A presentation box with a selection of three 7x5” prints. The prints will be of the Kildavie site, the excavation team, and one of the excavated buildings at Kildavie, along with a short biography of the site. You will also receive a photo print of the annotated site plan, identifying all of the buildings, and the surrounding landscape.

Supporters name will be acknowledged in the project report, on HARP's social media pages, and on this website.

Estimated Reward delivery September 2015 onwards.

‘Have a Go’ Packages

Archaeologist for a Day - £50

Join us in September on the project for a day and learn how to excavate and record an archaeological site! Your day will start with a guided tour of the site, followed by dedicated training to show you how to excavate and record an archaeological site. Delve into the 18th Century and the history of Kildavie, learning new skills at the same time. Training will be provided by a professional archaeologist. Lunch will be provided, Supporters will be contacted to arrange a suitable date during the field school running in September 2015).

Supporters name will be acknowledged in the project report, on HARP's social media pages, and on this website.

Reward delivery June 2015

Learning Packages

The Report - £20

Find out the results of the first two seasons of our Kildavie excavation by receiving a bound copy of the project report. The report will be produced by the end of 2015.

Supporters name will be acknowledged in the project report, on HARP's social media pages, and on this website.

Estimated Reward delivery December 2015 onwards.

Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to keep up to date and see what your support is helping us do

A huge Thank You! to....

Kildavie_Supporters Form.doc